Pleasing the World vs. Pleasing Yourself

A woman looking to the side and smiling with a joyful look on her face. She wears a colorful crown of flowers on her head.

When a woman finally learns that pleasing the world is impossible, she becomes free to learn how to please herself.

- Glennon Doyle

I knew pleasing the world was impossible, but I sure as hell tried.

And even when I knew it was a futile attempt, I had no idea how to just let it all go.

I would walk around thinking I should just give less f*cks, then beat myself up for still caring about what other people might think.

Thinking that I SHOULDN’T care just became another judgement.

If you’ve worried before about what other people think—congratulations! You are a healthy human and not a total psychopath.

We are wired to be tuned into others, to want to belong, to assimilate to the group. There’s nothing wrong with that—-to a point.

But when we get so lost in that noise that we forget how to please ourselves, then we have a problem.

That’s when our light starts to dim.

It can feel overwhelming to unpack it all and to let go of what the world expects, but I promise you there IS a way. Visit here to learn more about how we can work together to get you started on the road to pleasing yourself.


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