Spinning? Do A Gut Check.
I have lots of decisions to make right now (hello, school is coming next month and every option feels like a terrible one). I’ve caught myself doing a lot of spinning this week.
My spinning looks like this: What if? What do you think? I need to do more research. I’m just not sure. What do the experts say? But what about. . .?
There’s a place for information and research (especially right now), but when I start spinning like this, I know I’ve gone too far.
So, what to do instead?
Get quiet.
Check in with my body.
Instant answer.
Honestly, it really can be that simple (though it’s taken me a while to learn, and obviously I forget). Our bodies know so much more than our brains ever will.
If you’re struggling with a decision, turn off the noise. Do a gut check. Your body never lies, and it will never let you down.