It’s My Birthday, and It’s Complicated.
Somewhere along the line, without even realizing it, I decided that I would do my best to make this a “normal” fun birthday. Anything “normal” sounded so good.
When is the “Right” time to do Grief Work?
If you’re wondering if it’s the “right” time to turn toward your grief, then the answer is yes. Yes if your loss is recent. Yes if your loss was decades ago. Yes whether your loss was your dog or your spouse or your belief that things will always work out in the end.
“Each time Someone Dies, a Library Burns.”
“Each time someone dies, a library burns. I’m watching it burn right to the ground.”
Difficult Relationships & Grief
When relationships are complicated, the grief that follows can also be complicated. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are grieving someone with whom you had a difficult relationship.
Is It Time for a Grief Sabbatical?
The language of sabbatical can be highly useful in grief. How might it feel to shift your language from, “I can’t do this right now” to “I’m on sabbatical from ___ while I tend to my own healing?”
Strategies for Acute Grief
When you’re in a space where the pain of your loss feels all-consuming, here are a few strategies for getting yourself through.
A Question for Your Sadness
In order to begin healing the pain of our losses, first we have to let ourselves sit with that pain. Noticing what’s underneath our resistance to sadness is the first step in allowing ourselves to feel it.
Music as a Portal in Grief
One of the many challenges of dying, grief, and loss is that it takes us into a place beyond language. Words become inadequate to describe our experience. Music, I find, often becomes a portal to that place that words cannot reach.
Grief Needs More than Time
We’re often told that time heals all wounds, but when it comes to grief, that isn’t enough.