Understanding Instrumental & Intuitive Grieving
Different patterns of grieving can lead to conflict and isolation; here’s how knowing more about these two styles of grieving can help.
Grieving Through the Holidays
Reflections and reminders on caring for yourself and honoring your grief through the holiday season
On Grief and Gratitude: Part 3
Don’t ask yourself what you’re grateful for. Try these questions instead.
On Grief and Gratitude: Part 2
What might it look like if your grief and gratitude sat side by side, simply breathing in the same space?
Grieving During Difficult Times
Grief activates grief. If you’re feeling extra tender right now, it might be more than what you’re aware of on the surface.
Responding to Unhelpful Support
When you’re grieving, there’s so little of your brainspace that’s available for skillfully handling people’s unhelpful advice or nosy questions. This is where scripts come in.
Everyday Losses: An Opportunity to Befriend Grief
While there’s no preparing for our most profound losses, how much more equipped might we be if we allowed our grief in the little moments and not just the big ones?
How Far You’ve Come
How looking back can help you look forward: When you find yourself stuck in the foreverness of your pain, remember that you may not be as stuck as you feel.