It’s Okay to Let Things Drop.
Tell me: what’s the thing you want to put down but feel like you shouldn’t? What are you scared to let go of - or even to take a break from - for fear that things will fall apart if you walk away?
Are You Making Your Happiness Conditional?
What would it look like to welcome in joy today instead of making it wait on the other side? And what would it look like to pursue joy today while also taking steps toward a more aligned life?
Finding the Gifts in the Messy Middle
We desperately want to get to the part where we’ve figured it all out and are seeing results and have evidence that we’ve made all the right decisions. I hope, though, that we can find the gifts.
Are you asking yourself to wait for joy?
What stories are you telling yourself about why you have to wait for joy? How can you give yourself some of that joy today?
It’s my birthday! Here’s what can change in a year.
It took me my entire adult life to figure out that I didn’t need to wait to be someone else to step toward my truest life and that there is no such thing as the “right” time. I finally stopped waiting for conditions to be right. I gave myself my own permission slip.
What If Criticism Is Something to Celebrate?
People who do big things in the world, live by their own rules, and invite the rest of us to see things differently get criticized. PERIOD. What if criticism isn’t something to endure and manage, but something to CELEBRATE? What if it’s is a sure sign that you’re showing up in the ways that only YOU can?
Are You Getting the Right Type of Rest?
When we’re tired, we think we need sleep. Or, at the very least, to lounge around. But according to Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, there are actually seven types of rest, and we’re often not getting the right ones.
Journal Prompts for One Year of COVID-19
Have you taken any time yet to reflect on the last year? You deserve the time and space to honor all that you’ve felt this year, all the ways you’ve adapted, and all of the lessons you’ve learned. I’ve created some free journal prompts to help you do just that.
Podcast: The Quiet Start + The Messy Middle
Take a listen to hear more about giving ourselves permission, working with our bodies to uncover truths, teasing apart what’s really important to us versus what we’re doing to please other people, and what life coaching is and isn’t (you might be surprised!).
How to Manage Your Inner Critic
When we’re trying to override the voice of our inner critic, our impulse is to put up our defenses. We try to ignore it, tell it to shove off, or argue with it. Unfortunately, these tactics almost never work. Thankfully, there’s another way.